Why Share the Gospel Online?
-Elder M. Russell Ballard
December 15, 2007 BYU Hawaii
Monday, October 6, 2008
General Conference Inspiration
1. L. Tom Perry spoke about simplifying you life. He spoke of eating nutritious food, regular exercise, and getting enough sleep (all of which I am currently trying to do better with) He also spoke of having simplified clothes and stated that what we wear lets people know who we are and that casual dress = casual manners.
2. Dallin H. Oaks gave a fabulous talk on the observances during Sacrament Meetings. He reminded me that getting there early is required for fulling preparing for the Sacrament of the Lord. He also said that amusement, light mindedness, and laughter are not appropriate for those meetings.
3.Joseph B Worthlin being to weak to stand gave his talk from his seat and I could not take my attention from it. He spoke of reacing to adversity and gave the following advice when dealing with trials: a) learn to laugh b) seek for the eternal c) understand the principle of compensation..which is that God will compensate us for every trial we endure. d) put our trust in Heavenly Father and Jesus. He also stated "Come what may..and LOVE it!"
There were MANY more talks all of which will help us to become more like Christ and bring joy and happiness into our homes. I encourage everyone to read them when they are available. (a text version will be available to read on Thursday October 9th at http://www.lds.org/ .
I know my Savior lives, and loves me. He is my rock and my salvation.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Sharing what is most important
Another thing they quoted from Elder Eyring was that everyone has their own technique of sharing the gospel. Some always have a Book of Mormon with them, others a pass along card, some have a list of thought provoking questions or topics that make it possible to bring the gospel up. He said no matter what your method, MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ONE. I decided to make a list of some things that are easily brought up in conversation that can lead the conversation to the gospel. There are so many ways we can share our testimonies every single day. We just have to be looking for them.
In the movie they interviewed a convert to the church and he said that he had been meeting with the missionaries for months but it wasn't until a member shared their testimony with him that he decided to get baptized.
Let the gospel be such a part of your every move and thought that it is only natural for it to come up with everyone you talk to. That you cannot help but spread it to every living soul. It is when we are putting forth our best effort that our Heavenly Father lets us be an instrument in His hands.
Where would you be without the gospel?? There are many people who are there and want out. You know the way, help guide them to the light.
I have been trying to keep these things in mind and hope that I can become a better missionary.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Finding Time
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Salvation and Exaltation by Elder Nelson
The responsibilities were as follows:
- be faithful to each other
- esteem and treat your children as a heritage from the Lord
- study scriptures as a family
- pray together as a family
- fix our focus on the temple
That is a lot of responsibility! I am working on being more steady with our scripture study (we are STILL in Ether) and trying to come up with ideas to attend the temple more often. I have realized that even though we can't go as often as I would like, we can still keep our focus fixed there (and that might help us get there more often, too!)
When disciplining children, Elder Nelson recommended it should be done "quietly, privately, lovingly, and not publicly. If a rebuke is required, show an increase of love promptly so the seeds of resentment may not remain." Through the last week I have tried to only discipline the children privately and quietly ("tried" is the magic word here) and have been surprised how well they respond! Elder Nelson also recommended trying to persuade them, but "your love must be sincere and your teachings based on divine and correct principles." Finally, he advised "Do not try to control your children. Instead, listen to them." Like I said, trying this advise has made a marked improvement for me (probably my kids, too). Instead of jumping down their throats every time, I have tried to take them aside, listen to their side of the story, and explain where they went wrong. One of the big surprises was how often I didn't have the whole story and how much better I was able to lovingly discipline them after I had listened to them. They were often still punished, but I was also able to teach them and help them understand the mistake they had made. I still have a short temper and sometimes revert to yelling and quick retribution, but I am trying to do better!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Friday, May 16, 2008
Where am I in my life??
"If all women had been, and were, and ever would be, like unto Kim behold peopld would save some money on groceries and get good deals, especially at CVS." (that is joke, by the way...hopefully not too sacreligous)
Monday, May 12, 2008
(More) Tender Mercies
Alma 36:3
"...Whosoever shall put their trust in God shall be supported in their trials, and their troubles, and their afflictions, and shall be lifted up at the last day."
No matter what our trials, toubles, or afflictions may be, if we put the Lord's will first and trust in His love for us we can find the strength and happiness we need to keep going.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Had you ever noticed?
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Saturday, April 19, 2008
FHE - Planting a Seed
As I thought about this concept I could visualize myself planting a seed. I am not a natural green thumb, so most of the time my plants die, even my kids "faith is like a seed" seeds never sprout. But I have seen some beautiful gardens, so I know it can be done. I started thinking that people with beautiful gardens take a lot of time to prepare them. They know which plants will grow during each season, how much water to give them, how much sun etc. I on the other hand know nothing, have not done research and spent very little time cultivating my plants. Now, If I put a seed in a pot and cover it with dirt and set it outside, it might grow. Just like with FHE. If you just do it, you will receive blessings as promised. However, I think that if I did a little more preparation, a little more research and plan my FHE better, a more beautiful flower will grow, and more blessings will present themselves. I hope that in the future, I can truly set the time apart to have a real FHE, with a sit down lesson, instead of yelling back a quick story to whomever can hear me in the car.
Does anyone have any good ideas along this line, have you tried taking more prep time for your FHE's? Does it work? Is it really possible to have FHE without the fighting and bickering? I would love to know what you think.