Why Share the Gospel Online?

Now all of you know that members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are constantly reminded and encouraged continually to share the gospel with others. The Church is always looking for the most effective ways to declare our message... may I ask you to join the conversation by participating on the Internet, particularly the New Media, to share the gospel and explain in simple, clear terms the message of Restoration. Most of you already know that if you have access to the Internet you can start a blog in minutes and begin sharing what you know to be true.

-Elder M. Russell Ballard
December 15, 2007 BYU Hawaii

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Had you ever noticed?

We were reading in Ether last night (yes, we are STILL in Ether). I had never really put it together before, but I noticed something cool. Have you ever wondered where Mosiah got the ide about the judges or where his sons found the strength to give up the kingdom? I always wondered how such a radical idea came to be. Anyway, in Ether 6 Jared and his brother ask the people what they want and they desire a king. This goes against the brothers' better judgement, but they allow them to choose from their sons. And all the sons (except the last) refuse the kingship. It occured to me that this record was found by Limhi's people and translated by King Mosiah. Could this be where the idea was planted into the minds of his sons? No matter where it came from, I have always been impressed by the strength it took to abdicate the throne, give up power and allow democracy a chance. Both in the scriptures and in our own country's time. Thank you Mosiah's sons, thank you Jared and his brother's sons, thank you George Washington.


Brenda said...

I have actually been thinking a lot lately about the people who sacrificed so much for our freedom. The sons of Mosiah would have been good Kings and would have lead the people in righteous ways, however, they were able to make a great sacrifice looking forward to future generations. The same is true of the people who fought for our freedom. Many of them could have lived their lives just as they wished by giving in to the King's commands, but they were able to look ahead and see that future generations would suffer if they made that choice, and they were willing to sacrifice their life for it...for me, to have freedom. If you want a good book to help appreciate the freedoms we have you might try Freedom Factor by Gerald Lund.

Kim and Ken Carlile said...

I"ll have to look up that book Brenda. I really like Gerald Lund. I think it is true humility when they turn down the thrown...the power and the glory that come with aren't anything compared to what you get from sharing the Gospel. I also think a lot about the people who have fought for our country's freedom. We take it for granted everyday, the freedom we enjoy. Right now while elections are hot, I amazed by the people who don't care or vote based of popularity or trends without looking into real issues. I am grateful for the country I live in, for the scriptures whose examples we have to follow.

Barlow said...

That is cool. I had not really thought about it before. It is so cool to think about the things that God puts in place to help us make the right choices.