Why Share the Gospel Online?

Now all of you know that members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are constantly reminded and encouraged continually to share the gospel with others. The Church is always looking for the most effective ways to declare our message... may I ask you to join the conversation by participating on the Internet, particularly the New Media, to share the gospel and explain in simple, clear terms the message of Restoration. Most of you already know that if you have access to the Internet you can start a blog in minutes and begin sharing what you know to be true.

-Elder M. Russell Ballard
December 15, 2007 BYU Hawaii

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Finding Time

Back in the day, I used to be great at reading my scriptures. I'd wake up half an hour before I needed to and use the institute manuals and other references and I'd read and study every day. I'd write my thoughts in a notebook and I always started my day out with prayer and scripture study. Somewhere along the way, I've lost that dedication. It happened gradually, as I think most fall from righteous things do. A few weeks ago it hit me that I really wasn't having personal scripture study. Ken and I read together most nights, but I wasn't studying the scriptures anymore. My first thought was, "I just don't have time". Now, how silly is that? I find time to work out deals at CVS, to read blogs everyday, to play games on DS or computer, to take walks or have playdates...but I don't have time to study? Hah. So, I re-committed myself. I made a goal that the TV or computer couldn't be turned on until I had studyed my scriptures. Which is harder than it seems. I haven't been perfect, but I am getting better. I've realized how it has improved other things too. When I wake up in the morning, I've been trying to go running before Ken leaves for work and while Abe sleeps. Then I get home and I feel energized. I put Abe in his bouncer or jumper and turn on music and clean my house right away. Then I play with Abe. I devote my time to him, without TV or computer as a distraction. He usually eats and naps around 11. As soon as he falls asleep I study my scriptures. I've been using the Book of Mormon institute manual. Then I write in my journal. If I have time after that I'll look at blogs or turn on Family Fued. I feel so much happier with these changes in my life. I feel less frustrated with my housework, with my son, and with everyone around me. I feel more energized and more willing to help others. I get so much MORE accomplished by devoting the time I should to the things that should be most important. Today I read this quote as I was studying. It is talking about being righteous in the Latter days and sharing the Gospel. "...In the midst of all these tribulations God will send fire from heaven, if necessary, to destroy our enemies while we carry forward with our work and push that stone until it fills the whole earth! Your destiny is to do that very thing., and this is the kind of protection you will have. You do not need to fear about world conditions. You do not need to fear about anybody. Just serve the Lord and keep his commandments and build the Kingdom, and as you do so you will be protected in these last days." -Mark E Peterson.


Brenda said...

It is hard when things are so "busy" but you are right, in that when we look at what we really spend our time doing, it should not be hard to find time for the Lord. I will never forget when Bryan was in PT school and he was not doing so great in his classes, he said I can't spend any more time on my sudies, I am already doing it all day (which was true) He decided to get up a little earier and dedicate time in the morning to scripture study instead of school studies and his grades started to improve imediately. He has kept up the practice since then and I have seen it bless our lives.

Kevin and Eliza said...

I really enjoyed reading what you said. I find myself doing the same thing, saying my life is too busy. I need to do better and you have given me some encouragement and a desire to recommit myself to scripture study. Thanks!

Boyer Family said...

Thanks for telling me about this the other day. Now everytime I sit at the computer before I study I remember what you said. I really know that my days go so much better when I study the scriptures first thing.

Jessica Brown said...

Great routine.