The responsibilities were as follows:
- be faithful to each other
- esteem and treat your children as a heritage from the Lord
- study scriptures as a family
- pray together as a family
- fix our focus on the temple
That is a lot of responsibility! I am working on being more steady with our scripture study (we are STILL in Ether) and trying to come up with ideas to attend the temple more often. I have realized that even though we can't go as often as I would like, we can still keep our focus fixed there (and that might help us get there more often, too!)
When disciplining children, Elder Nelson recommended it should be done "quietly, privately, lovingly, and not publicly. If a rebuke is required, show an increase of love promptly so the seeds of resentment may not remain." Through the last week I have tried to only discipline the children privately and quietly ("tried" is the magic word here) and have been surprised how well they respond! Elder Nelson also recommended trying to persuade them, but "your love must be sincere and your teachings based on divine and correct principles." Finally, he advised "Do not try to control your children. Instead, listen to them." Like I said, trying this advise has made a marked improvement for me (probably my kids, too). Instead of jumping down their throats every time, I have tried to take them aside, listen to their side of the story, and explain where they went wrong. One of the big surprises was how often I didn't have the whole story and how much better I was able to lovingly discipline them after I had listened to them. They were often still punished, but I was also able to teach them and help them understand the mistake they had made. I still have a short temper and sometimes revert to yelling and quick retribution, but I am trying to do better!
I remember hearing that talk, I am looking forward to re-reading it. It's great to hear suggestions on parenting from inspired leaders, becuase there are so many conflicting "tips" floating around out there. Since we are just beginning to need to discipline Addie, it is the perfect time to start good habits like those Elder Nelson mentioned. Thanks!
That was great insight. I am going to try really hard this week (and further) to follow that advice. We will see how it goes.
I think that even though all I have is a little baby, there are great lessons to be learned in Elder Nelson's advice. Brenda and I have commiserated at how annoying and frustrating a "busy" and almost mobile 7 month old can be. I find myself grrrrrr-ing at Abe sometimes and talking sternly to my little guy...who isn't doing anything that a normal little baby shouldn't. I need to start now getting myself in the discipline habits that I want to be in.
Thank you so much for reminded me of that talk. I have had such a hard time with Madison lately and I need all the calming parenting advice I can get.
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