Why Share the Gospel Online?

Now all of you know that members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are constantly reminded and encouraged continually to share the gospel with others. The Church is always looking for the most effective ways to declare our message... may I ask you to join the conversation by participating on the Internet, particularly the New Media, to share the gospel and explain in simple, clear terms the message of Restoration. Most of you already know that if you have access to the Internet you can start a blog in minutes and begin sharing what you know to be true.

-Elder M. Russell Ballard
December 15, 2007 BYU Hawaii

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Conference with a Kid

This was my first year to have conference with a kid around. It made things much different. On Saturday Abe soundly slept....through the 2 hours in between sessions, of course. On Sunday he slept through the first session so I was able to really pay attention as President Monson gave his first talk as prophet. I thought that was really cool. I agree with the later apostles who said you could witness him take upon himself the mantle of prophet. I also enjoyed the talk on mothers and on family. Since conference I've tried to renew my efforts to read my scriptures on my own. Ken and I read each night before bed, but I want to study from the institute manuals on my own during one of Abe's naps each day. I haven't been perfect, but I have been able to read through a few chapters so far. I'm starting with the Book of Mormon. I know there are many things we can each do to improve our lives, so I'm excited Barlow started this blog and I'm excited to share the joy of the Gospel with everyone!!!


Brenda said...

I believe the institute manuals are online for anyone to use at http://institute.lds.org/manuals/index.asp I have used them in my scripture study as well and find them highly useful.

andrea said...

That is a great idea, I would like to use some kind of supplementary guide to help me really STUDY, and not just read. Right now I am reading the BoM and highlighting every time it mentions Christ, or He is speaking, or describing Him. It has really helped me stay focused and not zone out while I read. It also keeps my mind on the most important part of the book, Our Savior.

Kim and Ken Carlile said...

I haven't looked online, that is a good idea. It is nice because the distribution center sells them and you can order them and they don't have any shipping! They are usually just a few dollars a piece. We are about to order some more and get Abe the kid scriptures (you know where they've put it into a book with the pictures and just the basic stories).